
Mr President Donald Trump So Funny Ever

Mr President Donald Trump So Funny Ever

You are going to watching a very funny show ever of the funny man with a dress as Mr.President Donald Trump in an comedy daily show of Trevor Noah. This president Trump also said about fake news. What is the fake news??? Yeah, it's not real news, Mr.President! Hahahha...lolzzz...just for fun.

To see how funny of the interview by Trevor Noah, please continue to watching the video below:

More video, you may love to watch related:

Another Presidential Tradition for Trump to Ignore

Best Earth Songs Collection

Best Earth Day Songs Collection

Top Earth Day Songs

Image: Earth Day Songs

For taking part of the Earth Day 2017, LyLyMom website would like to share some popular Earth Days songs below:

Why does Apple make its own sweat?

Why does Apple make its own sweat?

Image source: Youtube

For the Earth Day 2017, Apple posted a video on its Official Youtube channel with the title: "Earth Day 2017 — Why does Apple make its own sweat? — Apple"

Because of the Earth Day is very important, so I think Apple, a very big phone company, should mention about the Earth Day.

Why Apple talks about sweat here for the Earth Day?
Sweat is human body's waste. So, it's really related to environment. That's why the thing Apple mentioned about for the Earth Day.

Let's find out more about the video below:
Earth Day 2017 — Why does Apple make its own sweat? — Apple

We even should know more about Apple videos for the Earth Day below:
Earth Day 2017 — Can we produce zero waste? — Apple

Earth Day 2017 — Can a building breathe? — Apple

Earth Day 2017 —Do solar farms feed yaks? — Apple

When 2017 Earth Day?

When 2017 Earth Day?

Image source: Youtube

First of all, we should know, what is the Earth Day? Why is the Earth Day?

Well, we are living on the earth. So, the earth is very very important for people, animals, trees and other livings on the earth. No earth, no me, no you, no other people and other livings here.
Due to it's very important, so what should we do? The answer is we must protect ourselves as well as to protect the earth to stay more longer and longer. What we protect for the earth? It's the environmental protection.

So, the Earth Day is the day that we show our support for environmental protection.

When the Earth Day for this year 2017?
It's on 22-April-2017 that's coming soon.

Read more about the Earth Day!

11 Things You Never Knew About The Earth

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